designing joyful & inclusive experiences

about me

a little about me:

Allie Davis (they/them) is a textile artist and educator whose passion for mending and natural dyeing is driven by a commitment to environmental sustainability. A self-labelled “dabbler,” they enjoy exploring craft techniques and value what is learned from making mistakes. Their work is a celebration of imperfection and the act of slowing down to appreciate the process.

Through hands-on, accessible workshops, Allie empowers participants to create and repair textiles with confidence and care. By teaching others how to craft and mend, Allie is imparting valuable skills and fostering a deeper connection to the objects we use daily. Their practice centres self-care, and caring for textiles so they can last for many years.

For licensing, commissions, and teaching opportunities, you can write to

Dye education and more pretty pictures available on Instagram @WitchDyes